Italy's version of Marseille perhaps, Catania packs a mean punch in the food department. Not many cities on earth can shake your thighs with rumbles of an active volcano sputtering on your way home after a plate of pasta, but this small gem has enough twists and turns to bemuse a labyrinth enthusiast.


Catania Image
By Antonio Comte January 7, 2024
Treading in the same volcanic footprints as a intrepid tourists before you, no visit to Catania is complete without paying homage to a spaghetti frutti di mare. From the cobble stone streets, ancient shops, grandiose churches and bustling vegetable markets, this guide will help you navigate the edge vibe of Catania without losing your sanity.
Catania Image
By Antonio Comte January 7, 2024
Treading in the same volcanic footprints as a intrepid tourists before you, no visit to Catania is complete without paying homage to a spaghetti frutti di mare. From the cobble stone streets, ancient shops, grandiose churches and bustling vegetable markets, this guide will help you navigate the edge vibe of Catania without losing your sanity.
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