"Oh I do love to be beside the sea....." Ehem.
Margate: The fault line between hipsters on the dole and dolesters without hips (i'll explain), is an odd two hour trainride from London, a seemingly blank slate for entrepreneurs tired of the capital cities grind, to find fairer shores and start businesses without crippling rent. All is not rosy in this seaside town though, having been one of the most impoverished areas in the UK until recently, the contrast between hipsters with their $200 haircuts walking beside benefits addicts on motorised scooters couldn't be more odd.
Yes, mobility scooters are a thing in Margate. Within the course of a ten minute walk you'll see more healthy-ish looking people on scooters than you will on their own bowling pins. Who knows if its laziness or there was some severe vitamin deficiency in these parts that robbed people of their limbs, but it is bizarre to say the least.
Now onto the coffee. A decent brew was not something we were expecting to find in these surroundings, but find we did. A whole array of exciting pourovers to classic Americano's by the sea, Margate actually delivers on all front. The Mouth spent a month hunting the best cups, and ended up stumbling on a couple of absolute gems hiding deep in occult neighborhoods. The intrepid explorer certainly does come up with the goods, at times.
So, throw off the shackles of the big city, keep your eyes in the back of your head to not get run over by a motorized wheelchair racer on their fifth red bull, and stick to the path of caffeine resistance below and you'll be sure to at least quench the eternal thirst with some quality coffee.
A healthy 30 minute walk from Margate, if you don't fancy catching a bus, this gem lies in a warehouse and is helmed by an ultra cheery self professed "coffee nerd", who is more than happy to guide you to a brew you'll enjoy and discuss all things roast and
grind size
whilst you sip your delicious coffee and eye the bags of beans for sale on the shelf.
Knowledgable baristas and space for your laptop if you happen to be walking around the half-way house between a decrepid downtown shopping arcade and a few licks of paint to make you think a resurgence is on the way. The future will gives us clues, but for now enjoy this excellent coffee spot.