The Mouth sent it's team of broth-bellied missionaries to Ho Chi Minh City over the course of a decade, to sample, dissect, critique and slurp as many bowls as they could without bursting. Having read countless blogs, newspaper articles, in-flight magazines, youtube comment sections and interviews with chef's we trust, the following list are a product of having tried the top 25 places in town.
Inconsistencies aside, one of our writers tested each of the 25, ignored rabid arguments and protestations, and decided what style and format was our personal favourite. Whilst everyone has their own interpretations of what makes the perfect bowl of Pho, for us it's simple:
Great broth, not too sweet, not too perfumed. Good quality meat. Fresh herbs and toppings. Home-made chilli sauce if possible. Personally we do not go for the ultra fatty or super clean bowls, liking a balance between flavour and clarity. Sometimes you find a place where the broth is dynamite but the beef is like eating string, so those places end up falling out of favour because the overall purpose is a good all-round eating experience.
Service and price are not the deciding factors, since Pho is more of a streetfood dish eaten fast and not waited on by attentive staff to refill glasses of expensive plonk. No, our favourite Pho places are either street stalls, or halls with stainless steel tables, piles of fresh herbs, chilli sauce to make your tongue peel and the heady smell of stewing soup.
Choose the location furthest away from Bui Vien, because they truly outshine the downtown version. Simply faultless Pho, friendly service, amazing chilli sauce and good quality meat. It really doesn't get any better than this.
It took 3 visits to Saigon before we dared enter this daunting temple of animal bones. Partly because of it's proximity to hell-on-earth, Bui Vien, but also the sheer amount of people eating here caused anxiety to creep in. It was worth the risk. Some of the best broth you will taste in Saigon, and open late.
Watch serial eater Mike Chen hit both Quynh and Vuong in one swoop
Despite many fake "Hung" branches around town, this OG spot is consistently great. Not the very best we found in Saigon, but damn well worth a visit.
Plastic stools on a streetcorner, you close your eyes and you're in Hanoi. Not the most amazing broth we ever ate, but the overall experience is great.
In fifth place, for those who prefer the chicken version, then this is your spot in Saigon. Close to the Cafe Apartments, pop yourself down at a plastic table and enjoy the best bowl of Chicken Pho this side of town.